D&D4 Wiki
Whispers of Defeat
Invoker Attack 1

Your words assume a life of their own, worming into your enemies' minds and creating a feeling that defeat is inevitable.

Encounter ✦ divine, fear, implement,psychic

Close Burst 5

Target: Each enemy in burst

Attack: Wisdom vs Will

Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and whenever the target misses with an attack, it takes 5 psychic damage.

Covenant of Malediction: Add your Wisdom modifier to the psychic damage.

Whispers of Defeat is a 1st-level Invoker encounter attack power. It was introduced in the Divine Power supplement.

Whispers of Defeat has a decent range, only targets enemies, and provides a bonus to enemy attack rolls, which makes it a useful enough power. The drawbacks are low damage and the inability to target creatures immune to fear.
