D&D4 Wiki
Skittering sneak
druid utility 2

You can adopt the form of a mouse, a large spider, or another animal that wouldn’t draw a second glance from most observers.

Daily ✦ primal

Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the user can use wild shape to change into his or her beast or humanoid form as usual, or to assume the form of a Tiny natural beast or fey beast, such as a mouse, a house cat, or a large spider. While in Tiny beast form, the user gains a +5 bonus to Stealth checks, but cannot attack or pick up or manipulate objects.

Skittering sneak is a 2nd-level druid daily utility power. When used, it gives its user's wild shape power an additional form to choose, that of a Tiny natural beast or fey beast. The Tiny form has a +5 bonus to Stealth checks, but cannot attack or manipulate objects.[PH2:86]
