D&D4 Wiki
Shielding Fire
Swordmage Attack 5

A gout of flame springs from your sword, searing your enemy and threatening to consume it in deadlier flames.

Target: One creature in burst

Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude

Hit: 2d10 + Constitution modifier fire damage, and the creature is marked as if from your Swordmage Aegis power until the end of the encounter. This does not end existing marks placed by your Swordmage Aegis power, and using your Swordmage Aegis power to mark another enemy does not end this mark. Another creature’s mark supersedes this one.

Miss: The creature is marked as if from your Swordmage Aegis power until the end of the encounter. This does not end existing marks placed by your Swordmage Aegis power, and using your Swordmage Aegis power to mark another enemy does not end this mark. Another creature’s mark supersedes this one.

Aegis of Shielding: Until the end of the encounter, when you reduce the damage the target deals using aegis of shielding, the target takes fire damage equal to the amount of damage your aegis of shielding power prevents.

Shielding Fire is a daily power available to swordmages at the 5th level.[Dr367:56]
