D&D4 Wiki
Healing word
druid utility

Encounter (Special) ✦ healing

Close burst 5

Level 11: Close burst 10

Level 21: Close burst 15

Special: This power can be used twice per encounter, but no more than once per round.
Level 16: three times per encounter

Target: one ally within this power's range, or the user

Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. If so, he or she regains an additional 1d6 hit points.

Level 6: additional 2d6 hit points
Level 11: additional 3d6 hit points
Level 16: additional 4d6 hit points
Level 21: additional 5d6 hit points

Level 26: additional 6d6 hit points

Healing word is a druid encounter utility power. It allows the user or a nearby ally to spend a healing surge to regain an increased amount of hit points, and can be used multiple times per encounter, depending on the user's level.[HotFK:92] It is identical to the cleric version of healing word, aside from being a druid power rather than a cleric power.

Healing word is granted to sentinels through the Healing Word class feature.
