D&D4 Wiki
AA214 l
Attack bonus if proficient +2
Weapon die ([W]) 1d6
Type melee
Range 10/20
Handedness one-handed
Proficiency category simple
Weapon group
Weapon property heavy thrown
Price 5 gp
Weight 2 lb.

A javelin is a simple one-handed melee weapon in the spear weapon group.[PH:218]

A javelin is a heavy thrown weapon, so a character can throw it to make ranged attacks, using Strength instead of Dexterity for ranged basic attacks.

Ardents, artificers, avengers, barbarians, bards, battleminds, clerics, druids, fighters, invokers, paladins, psions, rangers, runepriests, seekers, shamans, sorcerers, swordmages, vampires, wardens, warlocks, and warlords are proficient with all simple melee weapons, including the javelin. Assassins are proficient with one-handed simple melee weapons, including the javelin.

Other classes do not have proficiency with the javelin as a class trait, but any character can become proficient by taking a Weapon Proficiency feat.
