D&D4 Wiki

“Kill me? You would better be served trying to cleave the wind, or quell a volcano’s fury. Can you slay a mountain?”[1][FRPG:53]

The inconsistency of an elemental tempest matches the chaotic nature of the Elemental Chaos. Due to the multiple manifestation of elements, the genasi has greater control over what kind of elements they manifest; whether it be the wind on the sea, fire to blacken adamantine, or lightning blasting countryside rubble. An elemental tempest is effectively a force of nature incarnate.[1][FRPG:53]

Elemental Tempest Features[]

Dual Manifestation (11th level): The elemental tempest can use two elemental manifestations at the same time. They choose which elements are presently manifesting after each short rest or extended rest.[1][FRPG:53]

Elemental Attacks (11th level): The elemental tempest's attack powers deal a type of damage based on their current elemental manifestations.[1][FRPG:53]

Elemental Surge (11th level): Whenever the elemental tempest spends an action point to take an extra action, they can adopt one of the elemental manifestations, the duration and effects are based on whether or not it is one of the elemental tempest's dual manifestations.[1][FRPG:53]

Tempest Lord (16th level): If the elemental tempest has resistance to fire, cold, or lightning, increase each of those resistances by a moderate amount.[1][FRPG:53]

Elemental Tempest Powers[]

Tempest Burst (11th-level Attack): An encounter-based action that causes the elemental tempest to choose an elemental-themed damage type and emit a close-ranged burst. Each enemy within range must make a save or take an amount of damage based on the chosen damage type.[1][FRPG:53]

Absorb Elements (12th-level Utility Power): An encounter-based reaction that causes the elemental tempest to gain an elemental-themed resistance. In addition, once during the encounter it is used, the elemental tempest can deal additional damage on an attack based on the related resistance amount.[1][FRPG:53]

Elemental Fury (20th-level Attack): A daily action where the elemental tempest causes one creature within range to make a save or take a large amount of elemental-themed damage of a chosen type. In addition, when used, the elemental tempest's resistances increase by a large amount for a set duration during the encounter.[1][FRPG:53]

See Also[]


External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Rob Heinsoo, Logan Bonner, Robert J. Schwalb (2008, September). Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 53. ISBN 978-0-7869-4929-8. Retrieved on 2019-06-13.