D&D4 Wiki
Daunting attack
rogue attack 13

Requirement: wielding a light blade

Target: one creature

Attack: Dexterity vs. AC

Hit: "1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn."
Ruthless Ruffian: If the target is already taking the penalty to attack rolls from one of your rattling attacks, instead of being dazed, the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.[MP:80]

Daunting attack is an encounter power available to rogues at 13th level.

This power is overshadowed by stunning strike, unless you have the Ruthless Ruffian class feature (which is likewise one of the weak rogue builds).[Char-op rogue]


Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Kulkor Battlearm Style Rogue, Kulkor Battlearm Student, Ruthless Ruffian When attacking with an axe, hammer or versatile mace, any ally gets a +2 feat bonus to AC while adjacent to you until end of next turn. In addition, you can use this power with an opportunity attack.