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fighter attack 1

Target: one creature

Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: "1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and an enemy adjacent to you other than the target takes damage equal to your Strength modifier.
"Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at 21st level."[PH:77][U :6/2008]

Cleave is an at-will power available to fighters at 1st level.


These feats are only available to characters with a martial class. (This restriction is relevant to non-fighter characters who acquire Cleave through some other means, such as the Dilettante racial trait.)

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Criterion of Balic Practice (Arena Fighting) - When you hit an enemy with this exploit, you can shift one square as a free action (or two squares if you are an elf). Ignore difficult terrain for this shift.
Cruel Cut Style Wis 13 If no other enemies are adjacent to the target when you hit the target with this exploit, the target takes ongoing damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Deft Hurler Style (Arena Fighting) Halfling or Dex 13 You can forgo dealing damage to the adjacent enemy to instead make a ranged basic attack with a heavy thrown weapon against one creature other than the target of your cleave. This ranged basic attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Impending Doom Style Trained in Intimidate You mark any target you damage with this exploit.
Longhand Student (Lesser Style) Fighter or Warlord, Proficiency with a two-handed polearm or spear If you are wielding a two-handed polearm or spear and have proficiency with that weapon, when you hit an enemy with this exploit, you can push that enemy one square.

You get a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks.

Spirited Rider (Arena Fighting) Wis 13, Mounted Combat If you charge while mounted, you can use cleave in place of a melee basic attack.
Steel Vanguard Student (Lesser Style) Fighter or Warlord, Proficiency with a two-handed heavy blade If you are wielding a two-handed polearm or spear and have proficiency with that weapon, when attacking with this exploit, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.
Untamed Berserker Style (Arena Fighting) Con 13 You can forgo dealing damage to an adjacent enemy to instead gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.